As they are today, Streetlights have been a cause of concern for how much energy they consume and how they have been adding to the light pollution in cities, burning brightly while no one is around. These are just a few concerns that some solution providers have been aiming to address with their Smart Lighting solutions. They aim to make cities feel safer, make lights more efficient, poles multi-functional, and push costs of maintenance and energy down, among others, in various ways. An initiative of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) has perfectly laid out the multi-functionality that can be integrated into intelligent lampposts besides bright lighting and portrayed the benefits that can be leveraged. Explore six smart lighting solutions that cities and communities should know when looking for more innovative ways to manage their streetlights to increase energy, cost efficiency, public safety, and upgrade the functionality of poles on their journey to become a smart city.

  1. TVILIGHT’S INTELLIGENT STREETLIGHT CONTROL SOLUTION Tvilight adds more control and customization of brightness, for example; how many nearby lights light up from the motion sensors alerting the surrounding poles, times the lights are on at night at a lower strength (e.g., 20% strength). This creates a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly approach to having lights on at night, reducing the light pollution that light poles usually cause.
  2. OWLET IOT – CONNECTED LIGHTING With the use of an IoT dashboard, you can control the smart lights and be alerted by the sensor in the pole when the light is broken. This solution has replaced older light fixtures in the City of Alba Iulia with newer, more cost-efficient, and environmentally safer LED lights that were easily attached to the existing light poles. Doing so reduced the costs of energy consumption by 70%.
  3. WEIGHT Flexible and modular through its interoperability and settings customization, WeLight makes management of public lighting easier to ensure reduced energy consumption as well as saving on costs of maintenance of the lights. The system will, in real-time, enable you to track and manage the energy and equipment and alert you of any issues, among others.
  4. SEAK SMART CITY – SMART LIGHTING CONTROL Compatible with any luminaire (LED, HIS, and HPS), Seak Smart City allows easy-to-use management control over cities’ light posts, ensuring a great ROI on saved energy through their dimming scheduling capabilities. The system also provides, through their IoT platform, other than lighting control, connectivity for EV chargers and other IoT devices.
  5. HUMBLE LAMPPOST – INTEGRATED MULTIFUNCTIONAL SMART LAMPPOST This solution replaces the old light fixtures with less pollutant LED lamp posts with the ability to enable more than just adaptive lighting. These lamp posts allow added security with CCTV cameras, an emergency button, Public Wi-Fi, and environmental sensors to measure air quality, except for the cameras integrated into the pole. Omniflow Omniled Smart Lighting Solution
  6. OMNIFLOW Omniflow’s “Omni Led” light posts are self-sustainable, powered by their integrated solar panels and a wind turbine, as well as having energy storage, making it possible to have them both on- and off-grid, which ensures that they can be implemented anywhere. This solution comes ready right out of the box, and its use can be expanded upon outside intelligent street lighting with options such as video surveillance, E-bike charging, or even Wi-Fi.

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